Nature Walks

As of the beginning of August 2021 –  DCR has resumed its bi-weekly nature walks in the reservation. The walks are on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, starting in the main parking lot at 7:30am at the 1399 Bennington Street entrance, East Boston. The walks focus on the various birds and wildlife present in the park each week. The Reservation has over 260 species of birds that pass through, so one never knows what you will see !  Appropriate for all ages, participants are encouraged to bring binoculars or various optics if they have them. Walk leaders usually will also bring a spotting scope. Walks typically run an hour +. Occasionally if the reservation is too buggy, we may travel to Winthrop Beach.


For any questions please email:


Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl
Photo by Sean Riley