Friends of Belle Isle Marsh is currently a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, member-based organization with a volunteer Board of Directors. We’re growing all the time, so stay tuned! Please see the become a member page if you are interested in becoming part of the group!
- President: Kannan Thiruvengadam
- Vice President: Justi Santana
- Treasurer: Erica Foley
- Secretary: Daniela Foley
Board Members at-large:
- Nanci St. George
- Norman Hyett
- Suzanne Ryan
- Carina Campobasso
- Karyl Stoia
Ex officio members:
- Barbara Bishop
- Gail Miller
- Mary Mitchell
- Elizabeth Regan
- Emily Fitzsimmons (Operations & Administration)
- Heather O’Brien (Community Advisory Group management under current MVP and NFWF grants)
- Cindy Baxter (Conservation Manager)
- Alex Graora (Grant Writer)

Belle Isle Marsh Site Manager:
Sean Riley
Sean Riley serves as the Forest and Park Supervisor for the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) Belle Isle Marsh Reservation (BIR) and Rumney Marsh Reservation. Sean seems to know every inch of the 300 acres of the Belle Isle Marsh Reservation and weaves this knowledge together into a deep understanding of the marsh habitat. He is an avid birder, an educator, a wildlife photographer and bird bander. Sean shares his love for the Marsh widely, whether it is during one of his Saturday morning walks or field trip with numerous students. FBIM greatly appreciates his constant support and assistance in protecting and enhancing Belle Isle Marsh. (See Sean’s blog page about BIR here!)
FBIM has been so very fortunate to receive financial support from numerous organizations and agencies to conduct specific education and science-based projects, including, but not limited to:
- Mass legislative earmark (via Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs), thanks to Senator Lydia Edwards
- East Boston Foundation
- Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, Better Beaches Program
The Belle Isle Marsh is owned and operated by Mass Department of Conservation and Recreation. It spans three municipalities: Boston, Winthrop, and Revere. We are delighted to partner with municipalities themselves, organizations with shared values and mission who operate in the region, and the relevant state departments.
MA Depart. of Conservation & Rec.
City of Boston
Town of Winthrop
City of Revere
Mystic River Watershed Association
The Nature Conservancy

FBIM Members:
In addition to the board and staff, FBIM has dedicated members who have supported the organization financially for several decades. We thank our members dearly for the continued backing and participation!